
Would you like to be a part of the change? If the answer is yes, click the links below to donate. Your donations help us continue to be the change we wish to see in the world. 




Mission & Vision


Infinite You cannot so simply be reduced to a definitive business. It is to be a way of living that offers the resources mentally, physically, and emotionally to allow each dedicated member a means to activately contribute to their most localized environments. By allowing the personalized visions, talents, and possibilities to manifest themselves to promote a collective sustainability that nurtures the accessibility of true peer to peer education.


Infinite You is my personalized ambition, platform and mission to help individualism within community and community within individualism; to help engage a network of people that will ultimately assist in fostering each other's fullest potential in a collaborative effort that in-turn helps to engender solidarity.

Meet the Team

Harold Hoenow

Founder & Chief Executive Officer


Amber Alvarez

Chief Operations Officer